//*******************************************************************************************************************// //*******************************************************************************************************************// //**** File Name: index.html ****// //**** Location: / ****// //**** Purpose: Home page for iFindaRental.com, formerly URents.com. ****// //**** Created by: Gary Theisen ****// //**** ****// //**** M O D I F I C A T I O N S L O G ****// //**** No Author Date Description ****// //**** ****// //**** --- ------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------****// //**** 005 Gary Theisen 2014.12.01 Changed /ssi path for includes. ****// //**** 004 Gary Theisen 2013.11.15 Converted starting html to include ('ssi/html/html_head.html') and ****// //**** its input vars (where appropriate). ****// //**** 003 Gary Theisen 07/25/2013 Changed urents.com references to new site name, ifindarental.com ****// //**** 002 Gary Theisen 06/01/2012 Refreshed look and feel as part of upgrade 2.0. ****// //**** 001 Gary Theisen 01/07/2004 Created. ****// //*******************************************************************************************************************// //**** Bring in the Global Vars **** include ('inc/ssi/php/global_vars.php'); //**** Use include here, not require, since its the homepage ****// //**** BRING IN THE BEGINING HTML & SET VARS FOR ITS USE. ****// $titleSpecificPage = "Rental Property Listings For Homes, Condos/Townhouses & Apartments!"; $keyword_revisit = "Y"; $css1 = "inc/csi/css/main.css"; //**** Paths are relative to THIS page. ****// $jvsc1 = "inc/csi/js/HPFeaturedRentals.jvsc"; include ('inc/csi/html/html_head.html'); ?>
//**** BEGIN MAIN TABLE **** ?>//**** TOP TABLE **** require("content/content_top.html"); ?> //**** CONTENT TABLE **** require('content/content_main.html'); ?> //**** BOTTOM TABLE **** require('content/content_bottom.html'); ?> |